Mei 2018, Export Increase 44,06 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

Mei 2018, Export Increase 44,06 percent

Release Date : July 2, 2018
File Size : 0.68 MB


  • Mei 2018, export reached US$ 437,30 millions, increase US$ 133,75 millions or 44,06 percent compared last month.
    • The most contributor in export were iron and steel, about  US$ 317,76 millions or 72,66 percent.
    • Tiongkok was the mainly export destination, reached 181,34 millions or 41,47 percent.
    • Kolodale Port exported about US$ 319,41 millions or 73,04 percent.
  • During January-Mei 2018, eksport reached US$ 1.899,66 millions, throughout Sulawesi Tengah about  US$ 1.880,52 millions and other province about US$ 19,14 millions.
  • Import reached US$ 216,26 millions on 2018 and US$ 996,85 millions during January-Mei 2018. 
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