Mei 2018, Palu Inflation 0,26 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

Mei 2018, Palu Inflation 0,26 Percent

Release Date : June 4, 2018
File Size : 0.33 MB


  • 82 Consume Price Indices Country in Indonesia, 65 Country have been inflate and 17 country have been deflate. The Highest inflation was in Tual about 1.88 percent and the lowest was in Purwokerto about 0.01 percent. Meanwhile The highest deflation was in Pangkal Pinang and the lowest one was Pematang city.
  • The increasing prices indices was influenced by healthy comodity (0.86 percent), clothes (0,61 percent), transportatiton, communication and financial services (0,45 percent), education, recreation and sport (0,23 percent), food, drink and tobacco (0,18 percent).
  • Calender inflation on Mei 2018 about 1,31 persen and years on years inflation about 2.46 percent
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