July 2018, Palu Inflation About 1,89 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

July 2018, Palu Inflation About 1,89 Percent

Release Date : July 2, 2018
File Size : 0.33 MB


  • 82 Consumer Price Indices City in Indonesia get Inflation on Juni 2018. The highest inflation was in Tarakan about 2,71 percent, and The lowest in Medan and Pekanbaru about 0,01 percent.
  • The increasing of price indices influenced by tranpsortation, communication and financial comodity (5.51 percent), food corps (4,20 percent), healthy (0,28 percent), food, drink and tobacco (0,22 percent, education, recreation, and sport (0,05 percent), and housing, water, electricity and fuel (0,03 percent). the decreasing influenced by clothes comodity ( 0,44 percent).
  • inflation on calender at Juni 2018 about 3,23 percent and years on years inflation about 3,61 percent.
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