Februari 2018, Export Reach US$ 295,59 millions, Decrease 23,67 percent compare last month. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

Laporkan pengaduan Anda melalui : s.bps.go.id/pengaduan7271

BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

Februari 2018, Export Reach US$ 295,59 millions, Decrease 23,67 percent compare last month.

Release Date : April 2, 2018
File Size : 0.94 MB


  • During February 2018, Sulawesi Tengah's Export reach US$ 295,59 millions, decrease US$ 91,68 millions or about 23,67 percent compare last month. 
    • The biggest contributors in Export are iron and metal, which reach US$ 194,34 millons or 65,75 percent.
    • Tiongkok is the main exported country that reach merupakan US$ 167,67 millions or 56,72 percent
    • Kolonodale port export about US$ 194,34 millions 65,75 percent.
  • During January and February 2018, Sulawesi Tengah's export through out this province reachs US$ 682,86 million and other province US$ 6,28 millions.
  • Meanwhile Sulawesi Tengah's import reachs US$ 249,91 millions on February 2018.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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