December 2017, Export US$ 472,96 millions and Import US$ 203,34 Millions - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

December 2017, Export US$ 472,96 millions and Import US$ 203,34 Millions

Release Date : February 1, 2018
File Size : 0.99 MB


  • December 2017, export reached US$ 472,96 millions, increased about US$ 100,05 million or 26,83 percent compared last month. 
    • The biggest contributor was iron and steel comodity which reached US$ 370,60 million or 78,36 percent. 
    • Tiongkok was the main country in export reached US$ 318,54 million or 67,35 percent.
    • Kolonodale port has exported about US$ 371,84 million or 78,62 percent.
  • During January-December 2017, export reached US$ 3.028,97 million, pass through Sulawesi Tengah about US$ 2.997,81 millions and others province about US$ 31,16 millions.
  • Import reached US$ 203,34 millions on December 2017 and US$ 1.294,74 millions during January - December 2017.
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