During May 2017, the Export Value was US $ 311.29 Million and Imports US $ 95.63 Million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During May 2017, the Export Value was US $ 311.29 Million and Imports US $ 95.63 Million

Release Date : July 3, 2017
File Size : 0.54 MB


  • During May 2017, total exports amounted to US $ 311.29 million, up US $ 149.65 million or 92.58 percent compared to the previous month.
  • The largest contribution to exports came from iron and steel valued at US $ 192.38 million or 61.80 percent of the total export value.
  • China is the main export destination of US $ 192.66 million or 62.13 percent of the total export value.
  • The Port of Kolonodale plays a role of US $ 192.38 million or 61.80 percent of the total export value.
  • During January-May 2017, the total export value was US $ 957.59 million, through Central Sulawesi amounting to US $ 945.28 million and other provinces amounting to US $ 12.31 million.
  • The total import value was US $ 95.63 million during May 2017 and US $ 419.77 million during January-May 2017.
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