During August 2016 , Palu Municipality deflation of 0.41 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During August 2016 , Palu Municipality deflation of 0.41 Percent

During August 2016 , Palu Municipality deflation of 0.41 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 8, 2016
File Size : 0.33 MB


CPI monitoring of 82 cities nationwide , 49 cities experienced deflation and 33 cities experienced the highest inflasi.Deflasi in Kota Kupang by 0.87 percent , while the highest inflation occurred in Sorong by 1.27 percent . Kota Palu deflation of 0.41 percent , ranks 6th highest deflation Sulampua Region and 19th nationally .
  • The decline in the price index occurred in the group of food expenditure ( 1.45 per cent ) , transport, communications , and financial services ( 0.82 percent ) , as well as food , beverages , cigarettes and tobacco ( 0.01 percent ) . While the price index increase occurred in expenditure groups housing, water, electricity , gas , and fuel ( 0.15 percent ) , clothing ( 0.11 percent ) , and health ( 0.03 percent ) . As for education, recreation , and sport during August 2016 was relatively stable .
  • The inflation rate of calendar year up to August 2016 and inflation of 0.22 percent year on year ( August 2016 to August 2015 ) was recorded at 3.60 percent .
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