Socialization Implementation of Recommendations of Statistical Activities (Romantic) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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Socialization Implementation of Recommendations of Statistical Activities (Romantic)

Socialization Implementation of Recommendations of Statistical Activities (Romantic)

October 12, 2023 | Other Activities

Palu City BPS together with the Palu city government on 12-10-2023 carried out a socialization activity on the Provision of Implementation of Recommendations for Statistical Activities (Romantic) 2023. This activity was opened by the Head of Palu City BPS, GA Nasser and moderated by the Head of the Palu City Diskominfo Division. This activity was attended by representatives of OPD-OPD in Palu City.

Recommendations for Statistical Activities (Romantic) are suggestions given by BPS to organizers of statistical activities based on the results of BPS research and examination of a statistical activity design. This is to encourage the obtaining of results from the implementation of statistical activities that are technically accountable.

Based on PP no. 51 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Statistics Article 26 Paragraph 2 states that organizers of sectoral statistics are obliged to:
1. Notify the plan for conducting the survey to BPS
2. Follow the recommendations given by BPS
3. Submit the results of the survey conducted to BPS (publication & metadata)

By disseminating these Recommendations for Statistical Activities, it is hoped that OPD will be helped by avoiding duplication of statistical activities, carrying out statistics that are technically accountable, realizing a National Statistical System (SSN) that is reliable, effective and efficient, as well as providing a collection of statistical metadata that is reference center for conducting statistics in Indonesia.
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