During March 2020, the TPK of Star Hotels was 38.94 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During March 2020, the TPK of Star Hotels was 38.94 percent

Release Date : May 4, 2020
File Size : 2.17 MB


The number of guests staying at star hotels operating during March 2020 were 3 (three) star hotels in Luwuk, one hotel in Poso Regency and 6 (six) star hotels in Palu City as many as 7,088 people consisting of 6,920 domestic guests and 168 foreign guests. This shows that domestic guests who stay overnight still dominate 97.63 percent and only 2.37 percent are foreign guests. 
  • Compared to February 2020, the number of foreign guests staying at star hotels increased by 63.11 percent, while the number of domestic guests decreased by 31.59 percent. Compared to the same period in 2019, there was an increase in the number of guests at star hotels during January-March 2020 by 8.42 percent. Viewed from the origin of guests, there was an increase in the number of foreign guests by 11.92 percent, while for domestic guests an increase of 8.36 percent.
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