Farmer Term of Trade (NTP) in April 2020, 95.64 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

Farmer Term of Trade (NTP) in April 2020, 95.64 Percent

Release Date : May 4, 2020
File Size : 0.57 MB


  • From the results of monitoring of sales prices of agricultural commodities at the producer level, production costs, and household consumption of goods / services in rural areas during April 2020 shows that using the base year 2018, the NTP of Central Sulawesi Province fell by 1.11 percent, ie from 96 , 72 in March 2020 to 95.64 in April 2020. This was due to a decrease in the price index received by farmers by 0.59 percent while the price index paid by farmers increased by 0.53 percent
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