During August 2019, Farmer Exchange Rate (FTT) was 95.92 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During August 2019, Farmer Exchange Rate (FTT) was 95.92 Percent

Release Date : September 2, 2019
File Size : 0.45 MB


Central Sulawesi Province Farmer Exchange Rates (FTT) in August 2019 were 95.92 percent, up 0.69 percent compared to last month's NTP. This was due to the increase in FTT in all subsectors except for the smallholder estate crops subsector which fell by 0.76 percent.
  •  The price index received by farmers (It) increased by 0.49 percent while the price index paid by farmers (Ib) decreased by 0.19 percent.
  • The highest FTT occurred in the horticulture subsector at 109.64 percent, while the lowest FTT occurred in the smallholder estate crops sub-sector at 84.93 percent.
  • Agricultural Household Exchange (NTUP) of 107.53 percent or an increase of 0.40 percent compared to July.
  • At the national level, FTT in August 2019 experienced an increase of 0.58 percent, as well as in NTUP an increase of 0.54 percent. Farmer Exchange Rates and Farmer Exchange Rates at the national level in August 2019 were 103.22 and 113.29, respectively.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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