The Farmers Term of Trade Increase 1.13 percent on March 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

The Farmers Term of Trade Increase 1.13 percent on March 2018

Release Date : April 2, 2018
File Size : 0.56 MB


  • The Farmers Term of Trade in Sulawesi Tengah reach 97,00 percent on Maret 2018, that increase 1,13 percent compare last month. The Farmers Term of Trade on food crops subsector, horticulture and plantation subsectors increase during this periode.
  • The price indices which receive by farmers increase about 1,23 percent, this is more hight than the price indices which pay bay farmers about 0,10 percent.
  • The Highest of The Farmers Term of Trades is holticulture subsector about 109,87 percent, wherease the lowest of the farmers term of trade is mass plantation about 87.10 percent.
  • Nacional Farmers Term of Trade on March 2018 is about 111,58 percent.
  • The Farmers Term of Trade which have value under 100 percent mean the production cost of farming bigger than farmers income.
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