March 2018, Palu Municipality Deflated 0,08 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

March 2018, Palu Municipality Deflated 0,08 Percent

Release Date : April 2, 2018
File Size : 0.29 MB


The Prices Indices deflate because deflation on foodstuff comodity  that reached 1,88 percent. Meanwhile The prices indices increase on clothes comodoty (160 percent), heath comodity (1,00 percent) , education, recreation, and sport (0,40 percent), transportation, communication and financial comodity( 0,35 percent), food, beverage and tobacco (0,23 percent) and proprety, water, electricity, gasoline and fule (0,15 percent). 
  • All of inflation country in Indonesia, 57 cities have been inflated and 25 cities have been deflated. Jayapura city is the higgest inflation about 2,10 percent, and Sumenep is the lowest inflation about 0,01 percent. The highest deflation is Tual City about 2,30 percent and the lowest deflation is Bulukumba about 0,01 percent.
  • year on years inflation rate on march 2018 is 2,71 percent compare march last year.

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