Sulawesi Tengah, Growth Rate of Transportation and Acomodation Use - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

Sulawesi Tengah, Growth Rate of Transportation and Acomodation Use

Release Date : January 2, 2018
File Size : 0.78 MB


  • The number of visitors in star hotels reached 15.806 on November 2017, consist of 15.437 domestic and 369 foreign.
  • Overall Room Occupancy Rate about 41.12 percent, increased 3.92 poin compared Oktober 2017.
  • ROR star hotels and non stars hotel about 70.09 percent and 38.83 percent.
  • The number of passanger on all of Sulawesi Tengah's aiport about 164.805 passangers in November 2017, increased 2.56 percent compared last month.
  • The number of ship passanger about 4.744 passanger in all of Sulawesi Tengah's port. consist of 2.678 arrive passangers and 2.066 leave passangers.
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