During May 2017, TPK Star Hotel of 59.30 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During May 2017, TPK Star Hotel of 59.30 Percent

Release Date : July 3, 2017
File Size : 0.45 MB


  • The number of guests staying in star hotels reached 15,610 people consisting of 15,429 domestic guests and 181 foreign guests.
  • Overall Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of 37.09 percent, down 7.41 percentage points compared to April 2017 which amounted to 44.50 percent.
  • TPK star and jasmine hotels respectively 59.30 percent and 35.33 percent. Compared to April 2017, a decrease in star hotels and jasmine respectively by 11.18 percentage points and 7.41 percentage points.
  • Bed Occupancy Rate (TPTT) of 43.78 percent, down 6.24 percentage points compared to April 2017 which amounted to 50.01 percent.
  • Average Length of Stay Guests (RLTM) decreased by 0.04 days compared to April 2017 which was 1.96 days.
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