During June 2016 , TPK Star Amounting to 59.80 percent , while the Number of Passenger Transport and Maritime respectively 130 719 Carrying 3,842 People and People - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During June 2016 , TPK Star Amounting to 59.80 percent , while the Number of Passenger Transport and Maritime respectively 130 719 Carrying 3,842 People and People

Release Date : August 2, 2016
File Size : 0.21 MB


  • The number of guests staying at the hotel reached 8985 people consisting of 8889 people and 96 domestic guests foreign guests .
  • Overall the room occupancy rate ( TPK ) amounted to 25.44 percent, down 5.44 percentage points compared to May 2016 amounted to 30.89 percent .
  • Total activity of passengers through airports in Central Sulawesi during June 2016 recorded 130 719 people, down 16.92 percent compared to May 2016 .
  • The volume of goods unloaded through airports carrying 857.91 tons, down 10.28 percent compared to May 2016. Meanwhile , the goods loaded amounted to 924.42 tons, down 4.38 percent .
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