During January 2016 , Farmer ( NTP ) A sum of 99.09 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During January 2016 , Farmer ( NTP ) A sum of 99.09 Percent

Release Date : February 3, 2016
File Size : 0.15 MB


  • Farmer ( NTP ) Central Sulawesi province during January 2016 amounted to 99.09 percent , down 0.73 percent compared to last month NTP . This is due to a decrease in NTP horticulture ( 3.00 percent ) , NTP smallholder tree crops subsector ( 1.62 percent ) and NTP livestock sector ( 0.69 percent ) .
  • The index of prices received by farmers ( It) down 0.09 percent while the index of prices paid by farmers ( Ib ) rose 0.64 percent .
  • NTP is highest in horticulture amounted to 107.93 percent , while the lowest occurred NTP smallholder tree crops subsector amounted to 92.18 percent .
  • Exchange Enterprises Household Agriculture ( NTUP ) amounted to 107.93 percent, unchanged compared to December 2015 .At the national level , NTP and NTUP respectively by 102.55 percent and 110.13 percent .
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