During December 2015 , TPK Star Amounting to 62.71 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

During December 2015 , TPK Star Amounting to 62.71 Percent

Release Date : February 3, 2016
File Size : 0.41 MB


The number of visits of foreign guests to Central Sulawesi during December 2015 reached 242 people , living predominantly from Asia as many as 192 people , followed by 29 people from America and Europe as many as 21 people .
  • The number of guests staying at the hotel reached 11 557 people, consisting of 11 450 people and 107 domestic guests foreign guests 
  • Overall the room occupancy rate ( TPK ) amounted to 37.26 percent, down 6.22 percentage points compared to November 2015 amounted to 43.49 percent .
  • TPK star hotels and jasmine respectively by 62.71 percent and 35.38 percent . Compared to November 2015 , there is a decrease in the hotel by 25.02 percentage points and on budget hotels by 4.83 percentage points .
  • Bed Occupancy Rate ( TPTT ) amounted to 39.62 percent, down 6.30 percentage points compared to November 2015 amounted to 45.92 percent.
  •  Average Length Of Stay Guest ( RLTM ) of 1.89 days , down 0.16 percentage points compared to November 2015 amounted to 2.05 days .
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