October 2, 2023 | BPS Activities
PALU - Head of Palu City BPS, GA Nasser, said that developments in the level of use of Palu City accommodation facilities in August 2023, the number of guests staying at several star hotels in Palu City was recorded at 11,866 people. This number consists of 11,809 domestic guests (local guests) and 57 BB people for foreign guests.
According to GA Nasser, this shows that domestic guests who stay overnight still dominate at 99.52 percent and only 0.48 percent are foreign guests. Compared to July 2023, the number of foreign guests staying at star hotels has increased by 54.05 percent, while domestic guests have also increased by 0.85 percent.
The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) is a comparison between room nights sold and room nights available during a certain time period.
"The TPK for star hotels during August 2023 was 64.78 percent or an increase of 0.58 percentage points compared to July 2023 which was 64.20 percent. "Compared to the same period in 2022, TPK for star hotels has increased by 13.45 percentage points," said Head of Central Sulawesi BPS, GA Nasser, Monday (2/3).
Bed Occupancy Rate (TPTT) shows the comparison between bed nights sold and bed nights available during a certain time period. The TPTT of star hotels during August 2023 was 66.85 percent or an increase of 2.07 percentage points compared to July 2023. When compared with the same period in 2022, the TPTT of star hotels experienced an increase of 16.84 percentage points.
Meanwhile, Average Guest Length of Stay (RLTM) indicates how long the average guest comes and stays at a hotel during a certain time period. During August 2023, star hotel RLTM was recorded at 1.95 days, an increase compared to July 2023.
Reporter: IRMA
Editor: NANANG
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