January 21, 2023 | Other Activities
Saturday, January 21, 2023 BPS City of Palu held a thanksgiving for the construction of additional office space. This celebration was attended by the Head of the General Section of Central Sulawesi Province Imron Taufik J Musa, S.Si, M.Sc, Head of BPS Palu City G.A Nasser, SE, MM, Some Heads of Regency/City BPS in Central Sulawesi, Functional Associate Expert Statistics BPS Prov Central Sulawesi and all employees including Routine Partners and Processing BPS Palu City. The event began with the recitation of the Qur'an and religious lectures and then continued with the recitation of the prayer together.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Palu (BPS - Statistics Of Palu Municipality)Jl. Baruga No.19 Palu - Sulawesi Tengah 94234
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