BPS Palu Involved 516 Field Officers in Preliminary Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palu Municipality

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BPS Palu Municipality to WBK & WBBM

BPS Palu Involved 516 Field Officers in Preliminary Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection

BPS Palu Involved 516 Field Officers in Preliminary Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection

September 30, 2022 | BPS Activities

PALU The Palu City Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is currently preparing initial data collection activities for socio-economic registration. Field implementation is planned to be carried out from October 15 to November 14 or for a month.

Before going to the field, BPS involved 516 field officers. The field officers were recruited from all sub-districts

"Before going to the field, we will provide training, so that perceptions are equalized. "So that implementation in the field can run well," said Head of Palu City BPS GA Naser to this media, Friday (30/9).

The training starts Monday, October 3 to October 9, at the Jazz Hotel, South Bureaubuli Village. This training was carried out in three waves.

"Of course we want to get good data regarding the profile of every resident throughout Palu City for every resident of this city. "Each person will become data, the population base with its profile in the form of education, employment, housing, regarding sanitation, all the people of Palu City will be recorded," he said.

GA Naser appealed to the people of Palu to prepare their time to be recorded by BPS officers. He hopes that the public will welcome the officers.

"Before going out, our officers will definitely report to all RT heads to ask for permission to carry out data collection, and ask for permission to give field officers the opportunity, so that this opinion work runs smoothly," he added.

Reporter: Irma

Editor: Nanang

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